'Wie ben je, wat heb je te bieden?' - In Kenia leer je zachte vaardigheden (NL)

This is a hard copy story from reporting I did in Kenya, May - June 2019. I got to spend time with Maureen Aoko Oile (24). She spent 22 years sleeping on the floor at her neighbors’ because her family of 5 lived in a 12m2 cabin. Now she works as a terrific cook — she’s the breadwinner for her family, though what she earns is still not enough. She got an opportunity to be trained after five years of unemployment following secondary school and wants to open her own restaurant in the future. 

I was humbled to capture her resilience, and hers is not an isolated story. It appeared in Vice Versa Magazine on Jobs in the fall of 2019. I will send you the article digitally in Dutch or English upon request.